Social Ventures Group
by Markallen@km-ventures.comContest received 100 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Social Ventures Group
Slogan or Tagline
Purposeful 420 Business Ventures DO NOT INCLUDE in logo design. Just FYI.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We hold social equity licenses to manufacture, distribute and sell cannabis products based in Los Angeles.
We will own and operate multiple businesses in Southern California.
Our target audience is wealthy individuals seeking to invest in the cannabis industry.
The word Social is key to our identity. It is a double entendre that speaks to both the social aspect of cannabis; that is, fun, active, collaborative, creative and energized. It also references a specific business model created by the State of California called Social Equity. In this case, licenses are awarded to operators who's lives have negatively been impacted by the war on drugs.
The design should have the following
UPDATE 8.7.19:
This update is FINAL feedback on design.
Designs rated 4 Star are in consideration but may need to updated per the following instructions.
The designs presented by the original artist will take precedence over a design that copies someone elses work. There are several designs that directly steal work presented earlier by another artist and these will not be selected.
Colors must be close to Pantone 654c Blue and 2465 Green with Blue the dominant color.
Design should be in a horizontal rectangle with logo graphic to the left of the name, integrated into the name or integrated into the initials.
The graphic should not be significantly larger than the text.
If you use a horizontal line under text across Group (---------Group--------) it should come to a sharp point at the left most "start" and right most "finish" of the line.
Looking for something simple, clean, sophisticated that targets investors.
THANKS to everyone who submitted. We will be picking from the 4 star designs by 8.10.19 and we sincerely appreciate your efforts. Our next project will be a consumer label with a much higher reward.
The graphic can subtlety reference a cannabis leaf and a drop of water but should neither be too literal or a leaf that is nothing like a cannabis leaf.
Open to ideas but looking for a simple, clean, sophisticated design that communicates that we are a very professional organization. We need to communicate that we are experienced, reliable, trustworthy and confident. We expect to deliver to our investors significant cash flow and capital gains.
A reference to cannabis iis acceptable but should be subtle and not overt.
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
Colors to use in the design
Blue, green, gray,
Blues close to Pantone 654c or 288c
Greens close to 2273 or 7483c
OK if you adjust either blue or green based on your sensibility but seek warmer deeper color sensibility.
Briefly describe your contest
Social Ventures Group seeks a sophisticated logo to communicate to potential cannabis investors.