Logo Design Contest

Renegade Threads

by renegadethreads

Contest received 81 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Linda

Congratulations to winner Linda ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


lamarwatts Creative
As I said to you before good luck with your clothing line, what I speak is nothing but truth, some can take it and some can't, you just happen to be one who can't, and the designer LogoMotives was a great design better than what you chose, stop being mad at the truth, spend time developing your t-shirts and not sending me messages back and forth, because while your doing this I'm making money every minute, lol
renegadethreads Contest Holder
For someone who claims not to care about the money, you sure mention it a lot.
lamarwatts Creative
Because I enjoy making it, you should change your clothing line to FUNNY TEEZ because you are so funny. Have a nice day, lol
renegadethreads Contest Holder
What's funny is how you have yet to win a contest here and don't care about the money, but keep coming back to try to prove something to yourself. If its not about the money and you are so successful, then why would you even bother? Bet you can't resist getting the last word? Now that's funny!
lamarwatts Creative
I can tell your very young and inexperience with life, due to all your comments. Please spare me with your broke, can't afford to pay anyone what they're time is worth, this tells me how your clothing will be and you are the one that can't let go and keep coming back for the last word, let it go and work on your t-shirts, lol
renegadethreads Contest Holder
Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
rochelleann Creative
Congratulations Linda, and good luck with your tshirt and label, renegadethreads.It was a fun contest, and you can't argue with the general consensus! :)
Linda Creative
Thanks to all for you encouraging words I appreciate them.
rmvision Creative