Logo Design Contest

REDI Clearance

by REDI Clearance

Contest received 522 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by artespraticas

Company or website name

REDI Clearance

Slogan or Tagline

No information provided.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I am just starting up a freelance customs brokerage business based in New Zealand. A Customs Broker is basically the one who arranges import or export Customs clearances. A Customs Broker works on behalf of importers or exporters by collating the information from off their shipping documents and supplier/shipper's invoices - working out the tariff classifications of the products (being imported or exported) and calculating their duty rates and GST, then submitting the information to Customs and any other required agencies such as the quarantine department. I will be offering my services to freight forwarding companies or customs brokerage companies as a backup or temp customs broker. I will also offer my services to importers and exporters direct. So my target clients will be freight forwarders, importers and exporters. I will be working as a sole trader, freelancing remotely as all the clearance work is done online. I will also be wanting business card designs also so I will have another contest for this.

The design should have the following

I am open to whatever ideas you come up with. I like clever logos (such as those that come up when you type 'clever logos' in google image). My business name is REDI Clearance - REDI stands for Remote E.D.I (E.D.I. is well known terminology within the freight forwarding industry. It stands for Electronic Data Interchange - which is the technology that we use to send and receive data from NZ Customs.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)

This design should not have this in the entries

I don't really want the usual freight forwarding cliche images that have been overused in logos and websites in this industry (e.g.. boats, shipping containers shipping, globes, aircraft etc) unless they are included subtly and incorporated in a clever way.

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

Blue, Green, Yellow, black - I'm open

Briefly describe your contest

Freelance Customs Broker business