Congrats to civilizacia for submitting the winning entry
Public Generating Pool
by thampton- 11CREATIVES
Company or website name
Public Generating Pool
Slogan or Tagline
No information provided.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
The PGP is composed of eleven consumer-owned electric utilities, ten in Washington and one in Oregon, that work together on issues of common interest. All ten members own or purchase generating resources: 6,071 MW of renewable hydro generation, 537 MW of renewable wind generation, 18 MW of renewable landfill gas generation, 29 MW of other renewable generation, 248 MW of gas generation and 90 MW of other generation. Among publicly-owned utilities, the PGP member utilities are among the largest in the nation. The membership has expertise in all aspects of integrated electric utility operations and they are active participants in west coast wholesale power markets.