Logo Design Contest

Philip Thomas Photography

by philiphotog

Contest received 362 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by BrandNewEyes

Congratulations to winner BrandNewEyes ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


philiphotog Contest Holder
Thank you again everyone for all your talent and hard work. This contest will end later today with announcement of the winner. You are ALL absolutely amazing.
philiphotog Contest Holder
Thank you for your excellent designs everyone. Please feel free to continue to submit. This is going to be a difficult choice. You're all so creative!
philiphotog Contest Holder
I also like this design and the fonts http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=119&entryid=5849
philiphotog Contest Holder
More variety please designers. Please refer to the above urls for more ideas. Go for it. Thank you so far for all your input.
philiphotog Contest Holder
Designers-Some further ideas of logos that I like. Please come up with more unique ideas. Doing some quick research . I like the use of fonts on row 1 column 2, rows 2 and 3. http://www.hatchwise.com/logo-design-for-ErinSchedlerPhotography-256664 http://www.hatchwise.com/logo-design-for-StephenMaksPhotography-119 Row six column 3 http://www.hatchwise.com/logo-design-for-BethanyAnnPhotography-256961 Row 9 column 3 http://www.hatchwise.com/contest_detail.php?contestid=257614&orderby=1 Row 1 column 1 http://www.hatchwise.com/brandstorming-for-High-end-portrait-photography-1577 Row 6 column 1 and 2
philiphotog Contest Holder
Designers- Thank you for your entries so far. Please continue and refer to my comments on individual designs. Also, refer to http://www.philipphotography.com/ to get a feel for my style and what I'm looking for.
sammi_h Creative
sammi_h Creative
Amazing photography by the way :)
philiphotog Contest Holder
Dear designers~ Please feel free to be edgy, artistic and elegant. Other ideas- use my initials, icons, polaroid print style, keep it artistic and clean. Just go for it. Thank you so much for your hard work!