McNeal Psychological Services
by mcnealpsychContest received 172 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
McNeal Psychological Services
Slogan or Tagline
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I really like fall colors especially orange, red, and yellow, and like the idea of a fall leaf somewhere in the logo. I would like to see some examples of that, but I’m not wedded to that idea. See my website for an idea of co
The design should have the following
I would like a very simple design. I seem to prefer the name with an icon next to it, but I am open to different ideas. I don’t want the illustration to overpower the name. I also want the logo to be effective in black and white as well as in color.
This design should not have this in the entries
Professionals, e.g., attorneys, business people, doctors, etc., as well as anyone who is interested in developing themselves and living their ideal life. I want the logo to speak to people who are seeking personal counseling as well as businesses an
Colors to use in the design I like the chauncy gardiner logo on the above webpage. Simple and clean is what I’m looking for. I like how the main focus is the name, not the icon.
Briefly describe your contest
Fitting logo for psychological practice