M and CK Holdings LLC
by carsonpContest received 69 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
M and CK Holdings LLC
Describe your company and organization and target audience
This company deals with property management, interior design, building design, and Real Estate. I would like a relatively simple logo with M & CK being the focal point. Any other unique designs that play into the real estate or interior design theme would be appreciated.
The design should have the following
Design should include the name of the company and any unique designs that would contribute to the theme of interior design, property management, and housing. I want the design to be fairly simple with an easy to read font and colors. I am thinking about doing pastel colors such as a lavender light purple or light pink to go over black or white, however I am not firm and colors and can work with what you create.
This logo will be used for
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
This design should not have this in the entries
Please do not use Red, Green, or Orange as the main colors, using them as complementary colors is fine.
Please try different versions of the name, for example, "M & CK Holdings" "M & CK" "M and CK"etc.
Colors to use in the design
Please use a light purple, lavender color. You can also try other colors as you see fit but I am looking for a lighter softer color.
Briefly describe your contest
Need logo for property management and interior design company