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Logo Design Entry # 514360
by greycie_214- BACK TO CONTEST
- ENTRY # 514360

All purchased designs come with:
Full ownership rights to the completed design
Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the design to match your company
Editable source files in Adobe illustrator format
Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF, .SVG)
Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection
Comments for entry # 514360

ok sir, thank you for your suggestion..

Hi Greycie_214... OK, this will be one of the last suggestions: We like this image, but, could you do the exact same image as entry#514520 BUT the face turned inwards? (so everything is the same as #514520 except the faces are turned inward instead of outward). Thank you so much!!!!

Hi Greycie_214, Could I see what it looks like if the people are a little lighter (like in #514520) I like this logo because it shows "reflection" of oneself. Do you have any ideas for another version of this that shows "reflection"???

Hi Greycie_214 Could I see what this logo looks like up-close (just the ICON and not Los Angeles Body Dysmorphic Disorder & Body Image Clinic)....just so I can see the details of the faces. Thanks!

HI Greycie_214. This definitely shows "reflection", which is good. Do you have any other ideas for an inner icon that represents "reaching upwards in acceptance of the body"???? or Do you have any other creative ideas to put the human image outside of the lotus???? Thanks!

thank you, waiting for any changes/suggestion u want.. regards, Greycie_214

I like how the face are looking at each other...as in seeing the reflection...the icon is definitely going in the right direction!
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