Livermore Valley Wine Country
by ChrisContest received 181 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Livermore Valley Wine Country
Slogan or Tagline
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Text only, with a single, natural element included. Colors: It should work well in black and white. Earthtone colors...rusty red or red wine stain, muted purple/burgundy, fall colors (orange, gold/yellow), olive green. Can be script or clean font or
The design should have the following
Livermore Valley Wine Country (possibly Livermore Valley stacked on top of Wine Country?)LivermoreValley (words together?) We need the font to stand alone or be used with other graphic elements (like the design selected in our recent e-logo contest: What Are You Doing This Weekend?) It should have a natural element included: grape leaf, vine, grapes, etc. as part of the design or extension of a letter...making it unique.
This design should not have this in the entries
Over 21. Wine drinkers/buyers. Golfers. Locals & visitors/tourists. People come to wine regions for wine and usually something else, too...hiking, spa, rolling hills, etc.
Colors to use in the design
One image we\\\'ll be using is the design winner of our recent elogo contest...but not exclusively.
Briefly describe your contest
Wine region logo