Logo Design Contest

Half Moon Vodka

by joshdorsey2004@yahoo.com

Contest received 362 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by glowerz23

Congratulations to winner glowerz23 ! They were awarded the contest prize of $350.00


nyancat7777 Creative
CH, trust me. You definitely want vector :) Otherwise you end up with fuzzy edges on billboards.
hawaiian Creative
wow, it looks like cheap reflections, glows, and drop shadows is what is going to win this one
joshdorsey2004@yahoo.com Contest Holder
Can someone do 3 moons in a design changing phases. Starting with a small crescent to a half moon to another crescent.
joshdorsey2004@yahoo.com Contest Holder
Can anyone use an actual moon picture in the logo? I would love to see it. Big in the background casting a shadow but i want to encompass the font and city.
user32941 Creative
CH, just as a heads up, if an actual picture of the moon is going to be used, it will not be in "vector" format.
joshdorsey2004@yahoo.com Contest Holder
I appreciate you letting me know. Now I know why there is a lack of response on the real moon request.
nyancat7777 Creative
super ultra mega giga premium
abed_007 Creative
because time has run out and I can not submit my new design, please check out my new design https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s480x480/562938_506225182724308_1190534947_n.jpg