Logo Design Contest

Get Out and Learn Foundation

by getoutandlearnfoundation

Contest received 146 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by ArtMachine

Company or website name

Get Out and Learn Foundation

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

Considering the high school age group, I want something nature oriented, and include the outdoor adventure aspect...perhaps a squirrel in a climbing harness? Please use your discretion with the focus on the age group, the urban perspective and the o

The design should have the following

I would like to use this logo on our website, on company letter head and have envelopes printed with this graphic. I am open to having the layout based on the designers discretion.

This design should not have this in the entries

Inner city high school students. Environmentally focused individuals are our primary donors. Our current logo was designed with younger students in mind, but we have focused on working only with 9th grade through 20 year olds, so our logo is too chil

Colors to use in the design

Please view the Mission section of www.getoutandlearnfoundation.org to watch the short YouTube video (or search on YouTube for Get Out and Learn Foundation) to get an idea of the experience we want the students to have.

Briefly describe your contest

Logo for Get Out and Learn Foundation