Logo Design Contest

Facebakers.com Facebook statistics

by facebakers

Contest received 81 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by raymer

Company or website name

Facebakers.com Facebook statistics

Slogan or Tagline

The heart of Facebook statistics or just Facebook statistics

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Something related to statistics, potentially a heart rate monitor (Something like the EKG)

The design should have the following

Similar to how it is currently on http://d.janrezab.com/facebakers/facebakers.png

This design should not have this in the entries

People from the marketing and media business.

Colors to use in the design

Just the new design: http://d.janrezab.com/facebakers/facebakers.png

Briefly describe your contest

Facebakers.com Facebook statistics logo