Logo Design Contest


by uniqueperspective

Contest received 68 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by cclia

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline

Natural Stone

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Chinese stone is often associated with low quality.Our stone is grade A & we want to convey high quality at a low price, with an "American West" feel. Our materials match the architectural designs of western North America

The design should have the following

"Elementz" in larger lettering, with "Natural Stone" supporting the brand, possibly positioned underneath?

This design should not have this in the entries

Elementz Stone will be used on residential and commercial buildings. We will be targeting vendors as well as distributing direct to consumers online.

Colors to use in the design

Our main competitor's website is http://www.pangaeanaturalstone.com/ . This is a good place to reference to understand the type of products we offer.

Briefly describe your contest

Natural Stone Veneer Company