Dare2BU Counseling Services, PLLC
by RuthElaineDavidContest received 32 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Dare2BU Counseling Services, PLLC
Slogan or Tagline
(pronounced "dove" "id")
Describe your company and organization and target audience
(pronounced "dove""id") beneath David-could geometrics/dove appear to be hanging inside one another and able to be moved per se if wind hit it?Black & white-no gray-audience needs black/white guidance-logo needs to stand out on white background
The design should have the following
triangle=Freudian "id"/dove="peace"-put dove inside triangle;Freudian faith symbol=triangle inside circle inside heart-put dove inside triangle-is faith symbol patented-then go with just triangle?Ruth left side of triangle,Elaine right,David bottom
This design should not have this in the entries
people in a crisis that are seeking help-ages 20-70-people trapped by psychological beliefs preventing them from reaching full potential;sexual/emotional/physical abuse/SEO results from articles/logo to go on upcoming book
Colors to use in the design
Freudian Faith Symbol (Google Search/images for symbol & dove)- Dove soap "dove" but in white not gold
Briefly describe your contest
Dare 2 B U and THANK YOU!!!!