Logo Design Contest

D&J Machining

by ahoesche

Contest received 138 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by zernoid

Company or website name

D&J Machining

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

I would like it to look very bold and strong. I invision something large and chunky cut out of a metalic looking substance. I want the logo to scale down to 2d, but I don't want that to limit what is actually produced for electronic use

The design should have the following

I plan to have the logo cut and or etched into our products, so it needs to easily scale down to something somewhat simple in 2d. This also means no section of it would be too small to cut around.

This design should not have this in the entries

Casual buyer

Colors to use in the design


Briefly describe your contest

Creative Machining Branding Logo