Logo Design Contest

Cutting Edge Capital

by jennylk

Contest received 99 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by aspaul

Congratulations to winner aspaul ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


jennylk Contest Holder
One thing I forgot to mention: Cutting Edge Capital focuses on environmentally sustainable and socially responsible businesses - it would be great if that could be indicated by our logo
dsprod Creative
@jennylk, in order to get you the best logo possible we need feedback on the designs already submitted. That allows us to get a better feel for what you are wanting and we can create new entries based on that. Thanks, David
jennylk Contest Holder
One of my colleagues suggested tree roots coming out the bottom
mygreenday69 Creative
jennylk: are there any specific colors you are interested in? I was also wondering if after seeing the logos posted so far if having roots were something you still wanted in the logo? Last question, do you want "focuses on environmentally sustainable and socially responsible businesses" as a tag line or do you just want the logo to express that through imagery? Knowing this will help designers provide the best logo for your needs. Thanks!
mygreenday69 Creative
wow, I don't understand this one.
dsprod Creative
Yeah, I'm pretty ticked.
mygreenday69 Creative
I don't mind losing to a superior logo but you know what, the joke is on them and that's that.
ginalin Creative