Logo Design Contest


by KingDon

Contest received 61 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by kallecasa

Congratulations to winner kallecasa ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


KingDon Contest Holder
Please do not submit more than two attempts unless I ask you to. Thanks,
Machineman Creative
They are duplicates, I didn't upload 3 of the same entries. also That don't mean it's my style if I enter one concept. I have many idea's. be nice please. your getting some top talent here! ~ Again I request that we have an option to edit or delete an entry to keep the page less cluttered with duplicate's and not wanted material. thank's
Machineman Creative
"Please do not submit more than two attempts unless I ask you to" ~ how are you going to get idea's and concepts then? logo's don't just magically appear a finished product, they take time and collaboration between the Client and Designer.
Machineman Creative
Do you want a photo of concrete? or Illustrator rendered which gives the illusion of concrete? ~ a photo can be made into a vector in Illustrator. if you have high resolution photo's (example of the concrete polishing stages) that could help. thank's
mbrown22 Creative
i have an idea so i am gonna work on it, its not what i would say realistic more on the creative side. but ill post it anyway.
banned_graphichound Creative
Hey kallecasa, dont u think ur design is look like mine.please chk the link: http://www.elogocontest.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=15&entryid=563 also Entry#559 sand#558 for california flooring service.
kallecasa Creative
Im not see conformity.
simplyg123 Creative
can we get some feedback?
gozzi Creative
sorry for the mistake in 14905 . should be concrete instead of cement gozzi
myeoffice Creative
Do we all need to wait for feedback and ratings to go any further?
Stickie Creative
heyhey,easy a contest without feedback and stars is what i find more real and fair contest.Imagine jumping out with a good idea and then this idea being boosted by someone else who eventually wins.that happens a lot .I think star ratings encourage copying and feedback should be provided via personal messages ..just check some past contests if you dont belive me.
kallecasa Creative
To graphichound: Im see similar logos from California Flooring Service contest. This is osagrafis work: http://elogocontest.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=15&entryid=673 This is your work(winner): http://elogocontest.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=15&entryid=701
Machineman Creative
kallecasa Creative
Thank you for congr.It was my 3th donation for elogocontest.com.Nice site.
Stickie Creative