The Hatchwise Bird
Start Your Own Logo Design Contest

Fast. Awesome. Affordable

Logo Design entry 2363780 submitted by Haninas
Other entries by Haninas (3)

All purchased designs come with:

Full ownership rights to the completed design

Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the design to match your company

Editable source files in Adobe illustrator format

Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF, .SVG)

Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection

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Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by koeciet to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell

Top Designs

Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by koeciet to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by robertdc to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by Kanaram to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by monir0406 to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell Logo Design entry 2121683 submitted by Kardelsarpeye to the Logo Design for Makadi run by ldsewell

Logo Design Contest: Makadi

I've attached a logo I like (Herculanum from Apple's "Keynote" Mac app for "Makadi" and Helvetica Neue for "Find a

$106.00 Prize


Logo Design entry 2260539 submitted by dsdezign to the Logo Design for L I Finest Service run by JeffreyBlume

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Logo Design Contest: L I Finest Service

I want a logo that is artistic identifying Long Island and the service within

$50.00 Prize


Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by radja ganendra to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600

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Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by felicie to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600 Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by andsue to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600 Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by Fasyhad to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600 Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by cah mbeling to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600 Logo Design entry 2259468 submitted by kintong to the Logo Design for Noplaydre run by ddc69600

$50.00 Prize


Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by nosukar to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504

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Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by quimcey to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504 Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by grond to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504 Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by Ardian01 to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504 Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by kaharjo to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504 Logo Design entry 2264280 submitted by MD KOWSAR1997 to the Logo Design for Wander run by duydtran504

Logo Design Contest: Wander

Start-up clothing brand based in New Orleans!

$150.00 Prize


Logo Design entry 2271188 submitted by Logos to the Logo Design for Waist Made Naturally and WMN run by

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Logo Design Contest: Waist Made Naturally and WMN

Body-positivity and naturally-based waist training company needs LIT Logo!!!

$250.00 Prize


Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by gembelengan to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784

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Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by Armchtrm to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784 Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by gembelengan to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784 Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by exvy to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784 Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by Ganneta27 to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784 Logo Design entry 2270718 submitted by Colorsurf to the Logo Design for Fishing Trip run by athomas5784

Logo Design Contest: Fishing Trip

2021 Fishing Trip Logo for Stickers

$50.00 Prize


The Hatchwise Bird
Start Your Own Logo Design Contest

Fast. Awesome. Affordable

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