Logo Design Contest

Cascade Peaks Business Group, LLC

by dbailey7777

Contest received 89 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by eShopDesigns

Congratulations to winner eShopDesigns ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


dbailey7777 Contest Holder
Great Work! Thanks for your submissions, these are all great so far and each one will be given serious consideration over the next few days by myself and other brokers of the company. I will post some additional comments in a few days. I would definitely like to see some experimentation with a few different color palettes also, if anything just to compare. Something more bold and maybe something else that feels a little warmer.
offerwerks Creative
Just to clarify, do you want the "LLC" on your logo? In your briefing you didn't put that in your full company name, but it is listed in your title. I did not put it on my options, but that is an easy modification if need be. Thanks!
dbailey7777 Contest Holder
LLC is up to the designer, I really doesn't matter to us if it is included or not.
dbailey7777 Contest Holder
I have a meeting scheduled later this week with everyone and we are going to review and evaluate the submissions to date. I will have more input for the "crowd" from the crowd then. In the meantime, please keep in mind color scheme is very important. We are building a website, mailers, business cards etc. and we are not only looking at the logo but the overall feel and how we can incorporate this into the rest of our marketing materials. We would like to work with the winner of this contest to design some of these ancillary items also. Thanks again for your submissions-- these are great.
dbailey7777 Contest Holder
Also-- please don't remove any logos rated "3" or above, I am merely rating them based on how we like them now, things can change over the course of a few days and we may have you implement a few changes which may fit what we are looking for.
dbailey7777 Contest Holder
Thank you to all who submitted logos. I will choose a winner in a few hours. The choice is going to be difficult, there are multiple entries that are suitable.