Logo Design Contest

Bull-zi Local Marketing

by carriebinder

Contest received 38 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by traceygl

Congratulations to winner traceygl ! They were awarded the contest prize of $300.00


traceygl Creative
Hi I have uploaded again with some gradient effects for the web as requested:) It is a little hard to see the effects here due to the compression of the graphics the site uses to display so I have uploaded at the link below so you can view as it will look in reality :) http://www.incognitosdesigns.co.uk/Untitled-1.jpg
designbuddha Creative
Hey!? Where's Makaveli? Come on, Mr. Artist.
designbuddha Creative
DROB: Think for yourself.
carriebinder Contest Holder
This is my first experience w/hatchwise. I show 6 withdrawn entries. Is that right?
carriebinder Contest Holder
make that 7!
traceygl Creative
yes that is right they were all my entries I was trying to get a decent preview up without it appearing to blurry :P
designbuddha Creative
Carrie, Pay attention to the submissions. Apples to oranges.
carriebinder Contest Holder
Designers: I'm a hatchwise virgin. If we choose your design, do we get the original art files after the contest is over?
Unique Designs Dr Creative
Check you pm box CARRIERBINDER
carriebinder Contest Holder
Thanks to the designers. Some great logos indeed and it was a very pleasant experience working with most of you.