BlkShrt Content
by ahuffman1022Contest received 299 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
BlkShrt Content
Slogan or Tagline
be relatable, be consistent
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I am a freelance producer and this is going to be my company. I am a producer on advertising photoshoots, and television commercial shoots for several global brands. We came up with the name because my "uniform" always seems to include a black shirt, hence the name. I am a young person located in NYC so I really would like the design to be innovative, visually appealing and sexy, nothing corny or cliché. I need to stand out in a quite saturated market that is very competitive. My target audience is the fashion, beauty and lifestyle market and very focused on advertising/marketing agencies and fashion brands.
The design should have the following
I don't know yet if I will include the slogan in the logo but I am open to pretty much anything at this point
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Television/screen
This design should not have this in the entries
I really don't want to see anything that is expected, corny or very juvenile...obviously blkshrt is "black shirt" and it is kind of expected to see a black shirt in the design which I do think it should have but I'd like to see options that maybe cue to the shirt in a less obvious way
Colors to use in the design
Personally, I am drawn to cooler colors ... blue, gray, silver, gold, metallics and neon pink. Open to these colors and others!
Briefly describe your contest
Logo needed for NYC based Producer's company BlkShrt Content