Graphic Design Contest

Sabot Development

by usmaguppy94

Contest received 193 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Bart

Company or website name

Sabot Development

Links to the website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a decisive and skilled commercial real estate development firm. Founded by Veterans, we are leaders of character in our community.

The design should have the following

I am wanting this graphic to use as the main graphic for ballcaps that we will give to investors.
Id like to take my current logo (on my website) and turn it into something like you see on trendy ballcaps. we would like to exude a vibe of older/classic advertisting such as one might have seen in 1950s or with font used on government buildings, and historical 'old west' ads.

i am an Army Veteran, so i love use of black & gold(looks like bright yellow), or the red/black/white on my currrent logo.

Briefly describe your contest

Convert My Logo to Bad Ass Ball Cap Graphic: Commercial Real Estate Developer