Graphic Design Contest

I've Still Got It

by Danville

Contest received 55 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by MrJose12

Company or website name

I've Still Got It

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a company that conceives and produces television show concepts. We need a main title design for a spec-show that we are producing titled "I've Still Got It". It is a show that will take retired professional athletes and pit them against one another in a variety of sports to see who still is at the top of their game and who can be named the Ultimate Athlete.

The design should have the following

TV Show Logos are about the Title. "I've Still Got It" needs to be paramount and the focus of the design. We would love to see creativity from designers, so please go with your gut, but things that we like to see are 3D elements or texture within the design. Something that can have depth. We are NOT looking for letter head or something that would be good for a business card. Something that we can animate onto of footage or over a backplate. A great company called fish eggs is one of the best in the industry at designing these types of logos. You should visit their website for inspiration of what works well for television. ( Please search the web for TV show logos and sports logos like the NFL, NBA, MLB etc. It does't need to be sports logo, it also can feel like flashy reality show as well, it would be nice to see both approaches.

Briefly describe your contest

Main Title Design for TV Show.