Graphic Design Contest

Albano Dental Group


Contest received 82 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Fathenry

Company or website name

Albano Dental Group

Links to the website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a dental office in Brooklyn NY
We have a female pediatric dentist Dr. Aggie Toth
who we would like to advertise with a sign outside of our office
Our target audience are the existing patients and the community.

The design should have the following

Fun colorful sign to advertise the pediatric dentist
with simple clean modern theme
eye catching
must contain the words pediatric dentist
maybe an adult with 2 kids hand in hand

Briefly describe your contest

please design a sign rectangular or vertical with possibly the name as a logo Dr. Aggie Toth Pediatric Dentist