Naming Contest

"something" Business Solutions or the like

by trudyames

Contest received 77 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: asianmaiden

Congratulations to winner asianmaiden ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


trudyames Contest Holder
Love the entries coming in. My current name is Progressive Business Solutions. No one remembers it. I want more style, character. A catchy name that sounds good, feels good and stands out. So far, fairway stands out the most - words that represent progressive, strong reliable etc
trudyames Contest Holder
To add some different dimension to this, how about the focus of helping people, team, together... the hand to hand business solutions idea has inspired this thinking. I like the message with this. Keep them coming. I love the ideas and want to thank you for your creativity. This has been a challenge for me and I will have a name by the end of this. With all your creative minds on my team I can't help but land on one I love.