Naming Contest

Solar Leasing Company Name

by CraigM

Contest received 397 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: CommTech

Congratulations to winner CommTech ! They were awarded the contest prize of $61.00


CraigM Contest Holder
We finally decided on our new company name. The shorlist of finalists were: Day Star Power Leasing Photolitech Lenders (or Photoelectric Lenders) RadiantLeasing SolarSphere Leasing Solectric Lenders StellarPower Lending SunArray Leasing SunBright Energy Leasing (or SunBright Power Leasing) Sunlit Power Leasing SunSphere Leasing After an extensive review we found that only RadientLeasing, StellarPower and SunArray wouldn't cause market segment confusion. Thank you all for your submissions.
CraigM Contest Holder
I apologize for the delay. We have and some difficulty getting all the owners together for a meeting on this but we hope to have a decision before the end of the week.
KareArt Creative
Thank you AmyLou
AmyLou Creative
I concur, KareArt.
KareArt Creative
I would like to withdraw from your contest. Your comments are not constructive. I have over 100 other possible names which I will not be submitting. The process is called brainstorming. If you don't like a submission, look for or ask for something more specific.
CraigM Contest Holder
As I have had to mention to multiple people, SunPower is already a muli-billion dollar solar company and as such not a usable name.
CraigM Contest Holder
The company name should be: - Easy to remember - Hard to mis-spell - Have nice cadence when you say it
CraigM Contest Holder
The name should lead most people to think that the company is in the solar industry.
CraigM Contest Holder
Although will expect to have a web presense we do not want the Internet domain as part of the company name.