Naming Contest

Solar Leasing Company Name

by CraigM

Contest received 397 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: CommTech

Name of Contest

Solar Leasing Company Name

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a startup solar leasing company. Similar to our competitor SolarCity we provide complete solar powered systems by leasing them to businesses and residences.

What do you need written

We are looking for a better company name. Our current company name SunLease does not properly represent our company and is sometimes confused with the travel/leisure sector.

What do you not want

We can not have a name that infringes on aonther in our industry or one that has been tradmarked with USPTO in our sector. There should also be a domain registration available either .com, .net, .biz, etc.

Briefly describe your contest

Provide the name for our startup