Naming Contest

Need new-construction, upscale apartment name

by HillaryBanks

Contest received 156 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: MillersWifey

Congratulations to winner MillersWifey ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


HillaryBanks Contest Holder
Thank you all for your entries. A couple of comments regarding suggested names: 1. There is not a wooded area near these apartments. 2. The nearby park name is "Riverfront Park" 3. The river the apartments overlook is called "Willamette River" (this is locally known as a river one would not want to swim in)
HillaryBanks Contest Holder
If any of the surrounding elements are going to be used in the name we will want to us it in the "at" sense. Example... something at Pringle Square The Something at Pringle Creek
LagraphixDesigns Creative
The Havens Of Pringle Creek
aikiho Creative
You said this is part of a mixed use development. What is the name of that?
HillaryBanks Contest Holder
Dear Aikiho, This is the first phase of the development so there are not names for the other phases at this time.
HillaryBanks Contest Holder
There are a lot of very creative names, thank you all for your suggestions. If you would like to get a better feel for the proposed project, we made the front page of our local paper this Sunday. Please note when reading the article, we anticipate the entire site to be called Pringle Square and all phases to be individually named, hence the reason for being on Hatchwise.