Naming Contest

Metal mining company (gold-copper-etc)

by aliamgv

Contest received 96 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: afonsosoares

Name of Contest

Metal mining company (gold-copper-etc)

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a publicly listed mining company looking for a new name. We do exploration and mining activities in North America, South America, Middle-East and Asia. We focus on metals mining and exploration including gold, copper, etc.

What do you need written

We want a name that inspires strength, magnitude and confidence. The name could include one of these words: Mining, Resources, Exploration or Metals as a descriptive. You can make up words to come up for a name or use something that exists (ex: mythological names, latin names, etc). We need to make sure the name sounds good in any languages around the world and that can be easily pronounced.

What do you not want

Nothing in particular, you can be as creative as you want!

Briefly describe your contest

Naming a mining and exploration company