Flaherty Fardo, LLC
by noahpaulfardoContest received 36 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Flaherty Fardo, LLC
Links to the website
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Flaherty Fardo is a Pittsburgh law firm who has helped thousands of satisfied clients throughout western Pennsylvania. Our firm prides itself on tradition, integrity and hard work.
The firm focuses on personal injury, medical malpractice, business and real estate litigation.
The design should have the following
1. High Gloss - Very professional - Modern - Clean - Simple - Elegant - High Class
2. Want to use pictures to convey powerful images - pictures of our office building and/or the City of Pittsburgh that are attached.
3. Want to highlight PITTSBURGH - we are the pghfirm.com (pittsburgh firm) while also emphasizing our practice areas.
4. We would like one page within the brochure to feature all of the attorneys pictures and a short bio about each. I have attached a picture of each attorney here. We do not wish to include Attorney Stephanie Fera, as she is leaving our firm next week.
thank you!
Briefly describe your contest
Brochure Contest for Pittsburgh Law firm