Contigo Technology
by ContigoContest received 25 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Contigo Technology
Links to the website
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Contigo Technology is an IT support firm. We manage 80 businesses in central Texas. Think of us an an IT department for our clients. We bring in a host of software tools for security purposes, configure their environment properly, and support their employees.
The design should have the following
It should be a vertical matrix showing the inclusiveness of our service offering. We're a services company, providing IT support services for 80 businesses here in Texas. There's a number of items we offer in our month to month services plan/costs. Comparitively speaking, our our competitors don't offer many of the services we offer, and if they do, it's an extra cost. we want this matrix to compare and contrast our services vs our competitors
Briefly describe your contest
This is a business brochure, to be placed on a 8.5 by 5.5 inch page. This document will showcase in a matrix format, our services vs. our competitio