Brochure Design Contest

Cantella & Co., Inc.

by jmf

Contest received 37 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by catalepsy

Congratulations to winner catalepsy ! They were awarded the contest prize of $125.00


jmf Contest Holder
What we need you to do. In the zip file are two examples of prior bio's that we have done. We want to see what other ways or colors we could present these to give to customers. There are instructions on how a professional bio looks in the zip file. Please take the words from Jeff's file and his picture, which are included and try some different looks. At some place in the bio, usually the bottom of the page we need it to say: 1200 Westheimer, Suite 225, Houston, TX 77077 Phone (281)679-8900 Fax (281) 679-8909 Member FINRA/SIPC The name Jeff Van Wart needs to be somewhere prominently on the page
ojgraphics Creative
What type of brochure you like??a Tri-fold brochure or 1 page?
jmf Contest Holder
I would like a one page
IMFantasia Creative
Do you have a size requirement? Is this for print or web? Or, both?
jmf Contest Holder
Ideally it would be for both. It would be one page that we could print in a glossy format to mail to propective clients and also be able to post on a web site. I am clueless on this stuff in terms of the design part. I was wondering if there is a way to have a predesigned format and then when a new rep needs a bio, we plug in the photos and words?
JanMayer Creative
@CH: ...this is interesting... i will post my entry soon! :)
lyrad Creative
jmf, gudday..i jst wanna ask.. when will you choose a winner? thank you. regards, lyrad
JanMayer Creative
Hello jmf, What's the status of this contest? :-) --JanMayer
lyrad Creative
jmf, Same concern with JanMayer. ^^, Hope to see the result soon. Thank you. Regards, Lyrad
lyrad Creative
jmf, i'm hoping to work with you soon. and still hoping to see the result of this contest. thank you jmf. regards, lyrad
JanMayer Creative
Congrats to the winner! :) Great Contest!