Banner Ad Design Contest

by On Track

Contest received 32 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by airish.designs

Company or website name

Links to the website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We want to be the fastest growing website for the Oil and Gas Industry. We have an Equipment List, Career Center, Event and Auction listings. We don't charge to become a member or post ads.

Our marketing approach is to simply ask our business users to pay whatever they think our service is worth, should they benefit by it. Think of this as a "Pay for Performance" website on an "Honor System!"

Our target audience is everyone that works within the Oil & Gas Industry.

The design should have the following

I'd like the designers to be creative. I believe that if you're a designer on this site, you're a professional and know what would grab the attention of our audience. We've got a few of our logos placed on

When I see banners that I like...I'll purchase them. I'd like to see all sizes including 160x600, 300x250 and 728x90 banner ads.

We're be using Google AdSense on our site, but the purpose of the ads I'm wanting developed are RigList banner ads to be used on other websites.

Briefly describe your contest

RigList wants to be the "Go To" website within the Oil & Gas Industry. We want all sizes of banner ads and will pay for whatever we lik