Graphic Design Contest


by RLLynch

Contest received 51 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by dsdezign

Congratulations to winner dsdezign ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


moramir Creative
phonic Creative
sammy and nirajdhivar please don't copying my style, thank you
quimcey Creative
Hi Pursuant to Dorians question, you mentioned the orientation of your sign as a more vertical format (which I have done) in the brief, but it seems you are leaning towards a more horizontal orientation. Can you advise me on this, which way works best for you?
quimcey Creative
Yet another rip off by DsDezign. Phonic used the smiling car face first which is a vitally important element of his design and DsDezign goes and rips off YET ANOTHER designers idea, should be banned from this site
quimcey Creative
Another rip off win by DSDezign, a real shame, everybody can see YOUR MOTIVES, specifically you see a high ranked design and steal pertinent and exclusive elements from top ranked designs and call it your own....again. Shame that DC isnt really active otherwise Phonic had the right to take you copy down because you used his smile in the car. Its theft